Local Community Support
We seek to create value in the communities around the world where we operate, strengthening them through local grants supporting programs that help them thrive.
Walmart’s more than 2 million associates are residents, neighbors, friends and family in thousands of communities around the globe. Walmart works to strengthen these communities through both our retail business and community giving.
We support and invest in communities through local giving, encouraging volunteerism, and through programs to strengthen community cohesion.

Our Focus Areas
Our philanthropy is focused on following areas:
Spark Good is a new way of giving back designed to spark collective action - and big impact - in support of communities nationwide. Spark Good answers the call from customers to offer more opportunities to direct their own giving to the causes they care most about, and for nonprofits, it brings a robust suite of giving resources to one convenient location on Walmart.com. Explore all of the Spark Good programs and tools here.
Walmart gives back in communities in the international markets where we operate. Each international business is encouraged to give back to causes and organizations that are having a positive impact in their area. Click here to learn more.
Arkansas has been home to Walmart since 1962, when Sam Walton opened his first store in the town of Rogers. For the Northwest Arkansas Giving Program, eligible nonprofit organizations must operate within Northwest Arkansas or be affiliates/chapters of larger organizations that operate within the region and whose work directly relates to specific focus areas. Learn more here.